EBT Virtual Tour
NARCo Branch

This branch was built in 1942 to replace the NARCo funicular and Three Springs Tipple. It split from the main just inside the south (rr north) end of the Saltillo Yard, extending the spur which may have originally served the tannery. The branch was the steepest grade on the line and locomotives always worked on the downhill side for safety. The branch swung around the south end of Jacks Mountain to a tipple near the NARCo Gannister quarry site. The branch was removed in 1956 to allow truck access to the still active tipple.

Part of the branch just south of the highway crossing has been converted into a street. The grade can be clearly seen leaving the road and the Saltillo Sidings. Above the highway much of the branch is now a jeep trail.

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