EBT Virtual Tour
Leas and McVitty Tannery

Mile Mark: unknown
Elevation: unknown
Date Built: 1859

This tannery was an early supplier of miscellaneous freight revenue for the EBT including bark and hides. It was founded in 1859 by Shirleysburg financier William B. Leas and Samuel McVitty, son of a Shirleysburg tanning family.

Although not a high capacity plant, it produced the highest quality hides winning many awards. Photos of the plant are scarce and little is known about its layout or how the EBT serviced it. Although it was siturated along what would become the NARCo branch in 1943, the tannery was probably serviced by a branch from the opposite direction.

By 1895 both Leas and McVitty had died and the plant continued to operate under McVitty's son-in-law, Calvin Greene. In 1905 he built a Tanning Extract Plant in Allenport which proved very successful. Subsequently he purchased the Faust Tannery in Mount Union (not serviced by the EBT). With the successful expansion of that plant by Greene's sons, the Saltillo plant became too dated to continue operations. The Saltillo plant closed in 1911. The eventual disposition of the plant buildings and the EBT siding are unknown.

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