- Allegheny Heritage Development Corporation
See the new Westsylvania Heritage Corporation
(as of 2001)
Allegheny Ridge Corporation
http://alleghenyridge.org/ - ARC
http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/brc/heritageparks/alleghenyridge.htm - ARSHP
http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/recreation/heritage/alleghenyridge.htm - ARSHP
Manager and developer of the Allegheny Ridge State Heritage Park.
Within the boundries of the park are transportation sites
including the
Allegheny Portage Railroad NHS, Altoona PRR Shops,
Railroaders Memorial Museum and Horseshoe Curve. As part of the
Full Steam Ahead proposal,
the EBT would cooperate in joint marketing and ticket strategies
with ARC.
The Allegheny Ridge State Heritage Park also celebrates the region's iron,
steel, and coal industries which prospered as a result of the Ridge's conquest.
Broad Top Area Coal Miners Historical Society, Inc./Miners Museum
and Entertainment Center
Reality Theatre Main Street
Robertsdale, PA 16674
BTACMHS is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit corporation focusing on the history
of the Broad Top Coal Field. Open on weekends, the coal miner's
museum/entertainment center offers a variety of exhibits, slide/movie
presentations and talks about Broad Top's coal mining and
railroading heritage.
- East Broad Top Coalition (not an official name)
A group of representatives, including members of
the Huntingdon County Business and Industry Commission,
SPHPC and others
who have recently been in
negotiations with Kovalchick Salvage for a purchase option for
the railroad. Should such an option be agreed upon, the HCBIC would
set up the EBT Trust as outlined in the
Full Steam Ahead proposal.
- The East Broad Top Development Fund
c/o Huntingdon County Heritage Committee
PO Box 565
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648-0565
The East Broad Top Development Fund is seeking public funding support for
the continued operation and development of the East Broad Top Railroad
National Historic Landmark.
- The East Broad Top Partnership
A partnership of the present and possible future owners of the EBT, local
communities, state agencies and private interests interested in the
preservation and restoration of the EBT. The partnership has cooperated
in the development of a plan of action to that end, specifically
Full Steam Ahead.
- The East Broad Top Museum Foundation
A group that negotiated with Kovalchick Salvage in the early 1980's
concerning a purchase of the railroad. The negotiations did not
result in an agreement and the group disbanded.
- The East Broad Top Railroad Trust
A non-profit foundation proposed to
acquire and manage the EBT and associated lands in partnership with
several subsidiaries and independent entities. The basic framework
of the trust was set forth in the
Full Steam Ahead proposal of 1995.
This trust has not been and may not be created.
The East Broad Top Railroad and Coal Company
Joseph Kovalchick, President
P.O. Box 158, Rt. 994
Rockhill Furnace, PA 17249
Phone: 814-447-3011
Fax: 814-447-3256
This is the for-profit company which presently owns the railroad
and operates excursion trains. It has been owned by the Kovalchick
Family (Kovalchick Salvage Co.) since 1956 and has operated
excursions since 1960.
The Friends of the East Broad Top, Inc.
FEBT Membership Office
c/o Peter Clarke
10428 Carlyn Ridge Road
Damascus, MD 20872
Membership Office: membership@febt.org
General Information: info@febt.org
FEBT is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit, tax-exempt educational and historical
society, founded in 1982, dedicated to preserving and restoring the
East Broad Top Railroad. The FEBT is finishing restoration of the
Robertsdale EBT station and is continuing restoration of the old
Robertsdale Company Post Office, as a permanent home and library for their
extensive collection of EBT documents and artifacts.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Trust for Historic Preservation Library
In 1996, the Trust placed
the EBT on it's
America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places list. The Trust
has been a long time proponent of EBT preservation and restoration.
Railways to Yesterday, Inc./Rockhill Trolley Museum
PO Box 1601
Allentown, PA 18105
RTY operates a trolley, streetcar and interurban museum based inside
the wye south of the Rockhill shops, and operates excursions on a short
section of the Shade Gap line they have rebuilt in standard gauge. It
assists with interpretation of the Rockhill shops complex to visitors
and with maintenance of EBT equipment. RTY also co-sponsors the Fall
Spectacular with the EBT.
Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission
http://www.sphpc.org/ - SPHPC
http://www.lib.iup.edu/spec_coll/collections/proj.html - SPHPC Special Collections
105 Zee Plaza
PO Box 565
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648-0565
Since 1988, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation
Commission has served as the catalyst for the unification of the
nine county region into a partnership, bringing together public
and private agencies to work to achieve the goals and objectives
of the America's Industrial Heritage Project, a program to plan
and carry out the preservation and interpretation of the region's
industrial heritage.
The commission, established by the Department of the Interior and
composed of regional representatives from industry, government,
and area organizations, is responsible for overseeing the various
programs and activities related to the
AIHP, for directing its
future course, and for fostering communication and coordination between
the various levels of government and the private sector. The main
goal of AIHP is to generate cooperation between historic sites and
local communities for the betterment of both.
Stone Consulting & Design, Inc.
327 Pennsylvania Avenue West
Warren, PA 16365
Phone: 814-726-9870
Fax: 814-726-9855
Stone Consulting (and predecessor) assisted in the writing of the
Full Steam Ahead proposal and more
recently assisted Kovalchick Salvage in drafting the
TEA21 Grant Application.
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Historic Landmarks Program
National Register of Historic Places
Historic American Engineering Record
The NPS has helped in the EBT preservation effort by establishing the
Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission,
conducting a
Study of Alternatives for possible courses of action
on the EBT and supplied NPS rangers for one season to assist in
interpretation at the EBT.
The National Park Service designated the EBT as a
National Historic Landmark in 1964 (today one of fewer than 2,500),
it's highest designation of historic places
and placed the railroad on the
National Register of Historic Places on October 15, 1966 upon the
inception of the Register.
The HAER has conducted an extensive documentation of the Rockhill
Furnace EBT shops complex.
Westsylvania Heritage Corporation
(formerly the Allegheny Heritage Development Corporation)
http://www.westsylvania.com/ - new site
http://www.allegheny.org/ - old site
A private, non-profit organization in southwestern Pennsylvania
dedicated to the mission of creating
economic opportunity by building and
servicing a sustainable network of heritage
communities. The Corporation was developed to help
carry on and carry out the work of the
Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage
Preservation Commission. The goal of the Allegheny Heritage
Development Corporation is to create a
sustainable, resource-based tourism
destination in the southwestern Pennsylvania area.