EBT Virtual Tour
Horizontal Boring Machine

Photo of Horizontal Boring Machine
Building: Machine Shop
Machine Power: belt
HAER Map Key: Q
Date Built: 1903
Manufacturer: Binsse Machine Company
Model: unknown
Serail Number: unknown
Published Photos: AEBT 196

This mahcine has been incorrectly labelled in the shops and in the HABS/HAER documentation as a Slotter when in fact it is a horzontal boring machine. A boring macine uses a tool on a rid inserted into an existing hole in the piece to cut or "bore" out that hole to a precise diameter. A veritical boring machine holes the tool fast and rotates the workpiece, whil the horizontal boring machine holds the workpiece fast and rotates the tool head. In either case the head is plunged into the piece along the axis of rotation.

This machine was made by the Binsse Machine Co., Newark, NJ March 7, 1903.



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