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This page last revised 11/23/2024

EBT Locomotive Roster

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Number: 14
Name: none
Date Built: 10/1912Date Purchased: 1912Date Sold: none
Line Built for: East Broad TopDisposition: Under Restoration
Builder: BaldwinModel: Serial Number: 38625
Style: coal fired steamType: MikadoWheel Arrangement: 2-8-2
Track Gauge: 3'Tractive Effort: 27,600Pressure/Power: 180 psi
Valve Gear/Transmission: WalshaertsDriver Size: 48"Cylinder Bore: 19X24
Weight: 147,150Engine Weight: Adhesive Weight: 125,700
Grate: 36 sq ftFuel Capy.: 18,000Water Capy.: 6,000

#14 was the next developmental step of the EBT 2-8-2 Mikado after #12, itself a development of the 2-6-2 #11. #14 was basically an enlargement of #12 to the point of still just being able to operate on 60# rail the EBT was using at the time. In a test she hauled 40 (wooden) enpty cars up the mountain to Robertsale, more that twice the capaccit o any EBT locomotive before #11. She worked pretty much up until the closing in early 1956 though her and #15 were rarely used in the last few months.

She was the third locomotive to be reactivated during the Kovalchick Tourist Era, after #12 and #15, coming back in service 1961. She worked into the early 70's but had to be sidelined for several years because of extensive work needed. In 1987 she received mechanical and boiler repairs and brought back into operation. Strasburg Railroad staff oversaw the mechanical repairs to the locomotive. In the 1990s she and #15 were the primary excursion engines, with #12 as backup.

Prior to 2002 the Kovalchick Tourist Era EBT fell under the Pennsylvania State Boiler Code. In 2002 with the Federal Railroad Administration asserting its boiler regulations on the EBT, #15 was deactivated for Form 4 certification under the Code of Federal Regulations, 49 Part 240. A rare waiver was granted for #14 to continue operting while #15 was brought into compliance with the regulations. After there being four operation steam locmotives in operation in 2000, and thee in 2001, starting in 2002 #14 was the only operating steam locomotive at the EBT.

In the early 2000s extensive craking was found in #14's driver wheel centers, the worst being in the left rear driver, McHugh Locomotive and Equipment performed extensive welding of that driver wheel center in May and June 2005. Unfortunatley M-7, which was pulling trains for the start of the 2005 season, failed, and #14 was put back into service before the welding repairs were completed. #14 officilly returned to operation July 2, 2005. The repairs were never completed and #14 operated the rest of the season, causing the cracks to return.

After completion of #15's work in 2005, #14 and #15 operated together at the 2005 Fall Spectacular. As of 2024 that was the last time multiple steam locomotives operated at the EBT. A futhrer waiver was requested by the EBT of the FRA for #14 to be allowed to continue to operate only at Fall Spectaculars and other special events without a 1472 day inspection being completed. That application was denied by the FRA, citing safety concerns since #14 had never been brought into compliance with CFR Part 230, the federal rules governing the maintennace of seam locomtoves. As a result, #14 was taken out of service at the end of the 2005 season and remain so until the EBT ended Kovlachick Tourist Era operations in December 2011.

With the purchase of the EBT in 2020 by the EBT Foundation, all six Mikados were evaluated as to which were the best candidates for return to service. Along with #16, #14 was selected in early May 2020 for rebuild. Tear down of #14 began March 21, 2000. Asbestos abatement occured in early May 2-9, 2020 in roundhosue stall 8. A succesful hydrostatic test was performed the week of May 18-22, 2020. She was subsequently moved to the running repair track in the Locomotive Shop. It was found that the cast iron driver wheel centers again had extensive cracking. New steel wheel centers were cast to replace all eight driver wheel centers. The running gear and suspention needed extensive work. 1-7-2021 #14's drivers sets, driver boxes and rods were shipped to the Strasburg Railroad. As of 3-9-2021, the drivers were at the Strasburg Railroad for inspection and overhaulg1

After disassembly it was found #14 required more repairs that was expected. In 2022 as it became clear #16 was in better condition and would be completed first, all work was divereted to that locomotive. After the return of #16 to service, it was announced that #15 would be the next locomotive to return to service rather than #14 2. #14 remains disassembled and stored in the west stall of the Locomotive Shop.

General References

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