Number: none | Name: The Fairmont | |
Date Built: | Date Purchased: | Date Sold: none |
Line Built for: | Disposition: Unserviceable | |
Builder: | Model: | Serial Number: |
Style: gas-mechanical | Type: Crew Car | Wheel Arrangement: 1A |
Track Gauge: 3' | Tractive Effort: | Pressure/Power: |
Valve Gear/Transmission: Flat Belt | Driver Size: | Cylinder Bore: |
Weight: | Engine Weight: | Adhesive Weight: |
Grate: | Fuel Capy.: | Water Capy.: |
This is one of two cars long stored in the Boiler Shop in Rockhill. For a time the car had donated its engie head to the Spider while that. 2006-2007 the car was disassembled and rebuilt. The original Spider head was repaired and installed on that car and this car received its head back. It received a red coat of paint and went into speeder ride servcie. It has a single syliner Fairmont engine and belt drive. It was named "Fairbanks" by the speeder crew because it once had a Fairbanks engine. This car is one if the fastest speeders at the EBT. The car was quickly placed in service providing speeder riedes. A spare MOW trailer was converted to run with this car as a passenger trailer, as there is no seating on the car as there is on the Spider and the Flying Devil.