Number: none | Name: none | |
Date Built: | Date Purchased: | Date Sold: 1984 |
Line Built for: | Disposition: FEBT Serviceable | |
Builder: Buda | Model: | Serial Number: |
Style: hand-mechanical | Type: Handcar | Wheel Arrangement: 1A |
Track Gauge: 3' | Tractive Effort: | Pressure/Power: |
Valve Gear/Transmission: Mechanical | Driver Size: | Cylinder Bore: |
Weight: | Engine Weight: | Adhesive Weight: |
Grate: | Fuel Capy.: | Water Capy.: |
Published Photos: AEBT 58 |
This hand car is the last known oribinal to exist intact from the East Broad Top. The handcar was still on the property in 1960 when the railroad started tourist operations. Later it was sold to a collector. Subsequently it was sold in 1984 to the Friends of the EBT. FEBT restored the car and it is periodically demonstrated, for example at the EBT's 40th Anniversarry of tourist operations in .
Though operable, the car currently is in need of some moderate repairs.