EBT Locomotive Roster

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Number: M-7
Name: none
Date Built: Date Purchased: 1993Date Sold: none
Line Built for: Algoma SteelDisposition: Serviceable
Builder: GEModel: 45-tonSerial Number:
Style: diesel-electricType: SwitcherWheel Arrangement: B+B
Track Gauge: 3'Tractive Effort: 1,800Pressure/Power: 340 hp
Valve Gear/Transmission: ElectricalDriver Size: Cylinder Bore:
Weight: ~47 tonEngine Weight: Adhesive Weight:
Grate: Fuel Capy.: Water Capy.:

M-7, three duplicates and a two pair of spare trucks reportdly came to the railroad November 5, 1993 from Kovalchick Salvage's acquisition at an Algoma Steel plant in Sault Sainte Marie. They are singe cab, double ended diesel-electric locomotives with two engines. They have two Detroit 6-71 inline 6 cyliner diesel engines, one under each hood. They are variously reported as being 150 hp and 170 hp each.

The four units were part of a fleet of six at Algoma which pulled the ladle cars. A group of Standard Gauge 44 ton units also served the plant, dressed in a similar paint scheme. Reportedly these units were ballasted to 50 tons during their service live at Algoma Steel. 1, 4, 5 and 6 went to the EBT. This unit was #6. The disposition of the other two units is unkown.

These units are classified as "45-ton" not due to their exact weight, but to differentiate them from the more common "44-ton" units. 44-ton units specically weighed under the railroad union contract stipulation that all locomotives 45 ton and higher be manned by both an engineer and fireman, and those less only an engineer. "45-ton" lomootive differ from the more common "44-ton" in having only one traction motor per truck rathern than two, and no blowers to cool the traction motors. This was due to their intended role of operating at low speeds for short distnaces inside industrial plants. Being in inustriy rather than railroad company use, they were not subject to the 45 ton railroad union contract. Early 45-ton units had sidrods to connect the unpowered axle in each truck to the pwoerred one, but these, as with later 45-ton units, have chains on the axles connecting the axles. Further differentiating these from nost 45-ton units are are their narrow bodies, higher hoods, and their undercarrige, which is divoid of tanks and reserviors and instead having a pair of variable gauge plate trucks. Reportedly these units actually weigh 50 tons due to ballasting, but are still of the "45 Ton" class.

the M-7 carbody was mated with the best set of trucks to create what would later become M-7. It and a sister were displayed at the 1994 Fall Spectacular, but did not enter revenue service until a problem with #15 at the June 1996 opening. At the 1996 Fall Spectacular she was officially dubbed M-7 with her new paint scheme. Railways to Yesteday volunteers repaired the bodywork and painted the locomotive. They also did mechanical work on it as well as maintain the loco. M-7 pulled excursions when a steamer failed and another cold not be hostled in time. She wears a smart medium green and red scheme with black trucks and yellow accents. The paint shceme reportedly originalted from chosen paint samples that closely matched the EBT's colors, but turned out brighter after applied to the locomotive. M-7 has been observed hauling as many as six fully loaded passenger cars.

Sometime in the 2000s, yellow railing was added on M-7's four platforms. Between 2009 and 2011, one of the spare sets of trucks was traded to (a href="https://www.mchughlocomotive.com/"McHugh Locomotive and Equipment in exchange for repair work on the M-7.

At the start of the 2005 operating season, M-7 was the primary locomotive while #14 received welding repairs to one of her drivers, despite electrical issues with one tractiom moror. The locomotive was operated through June until the traction motor failed, necessitating bringin #14 back intop operations before her repairs were completed. McHugh Locomotive donated a replacement traction motor and labor to install it.

In 2009 The #1 traction motor again failed, reportedly due to a dead spot in the controller that, if not skipped over, would overload the motor when the next notch was reached. The East Broad Top Preservation Association, which was operating the EBT at that time, had the motor rebuilt.

After the end of tourist operations in December 2011, M-7 became the largest EBT locomotive to be operated. October 6, 2012 and October 12, 2013 M-7 pulled excursions for FEBT members during the annula FEBT Fall Reunion.

After the purhcase of the EBT by the EBT Foundation, sometime between December 2020 and May 2021, M-7's yellow railings were removed and the "oriental" attached lettering replaced with traditional painted on lettering and EBT herald. Reportedly the railing interfered with opening the locomoties access doors.

In 2021 the remaining set of spare trucks was sent out and rebuilt with the wheels turend, new chains, and other components renewed. The rebuilt trucks arrived back at the EBT 12-16-2021. The intent is for the the rebuilt set to be swapped under the M-7 and the set it has rode on since entering service at teh DBT will be rebuilt.

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